Sunday, May 16, 2010

My husband and I went yesterday to see mom....It was horrible...3 months later and mom is belted in a wheelchair with an alarm on her ankle and one on her belt around her waist....She was just in the hospital about a month ago from falling and hitting her head...When she hit her head she started bleeding in her brain...She was sedated for about 4 days while they watched her and took MRI's every day...She would be sleeping, then all of a sudden wake up look at me and say, "Your a pretty boy", which we got a kick out of since I am a 47 yr. old woman...Then back to sleep....Then she would wake up again...Once she said," I've always loved you"...I said I love you too mom...Then back to sleep again....
Once back at the nursing home they let her back up and the walking started again....Mom was walking probably 20 hours out of the day at this time......Seriously...Mom has lost so much weight and she eats only maybe 5 bites of food every meal...Then she's off to walk again.......

I go to see Mom every Saturday with my wonderful husband....If it wasn't for him, I would lose my mind....My hubby and I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays...On Mondays we serve Spaghetti to people in the surrounding communities for $1.00 a plate, children 12 and under, free......All you can eat....Spaghetti, rolls, salad, and a dessert of the night and cold drinks and coffee...We don't do this to make money, we do it to share Jesus with those people and to help people with a meal a week, to help them be able to have a great meal for very cheap...We have a wonderful time every week....
This actually keeps my mind off of Mom in the home....I think of her so much during the day, my mind needs a break at times...

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